Northgard Best Age Of Empires Like RTS Game

Negate backstabbers, seize power through military might and be mindful that religious values, influence and diplomance all have critical parts to play in your succession. But, if you can put up with losing a few times then Crusader Kings 3 will absolutely knock your socks off – for all the right reasons! For newcomers to the series, you’ve got a heck of a lot to learn. Whilst Crusader Kings 3 screams your traditional all out war-fest, the hilarious storylines and details are what makes this game truly special.

With each character packed full of personality, for better or for worse, Crusader Kings 3 is littered with so much detail you will be enthralled for months upon end as you take control of your empire. Massively overhauled from past entries into the series, Crusader Kings III is probably one of the deepest and most hilarious real time strategy games currently available. And, by golly, this is one heck of a grand strategy game! Kicking off our list of the best RTS games comes the award winning Crusader Kings 3. Platforms: Xbox, Series X, PS5, Windows & Mac Crusader Kings 3 Best RTS Game For Detail